Grants & Fellowships

The Small Grants Fund and Tech Fellowship support civil society organizations and individuals around the world to use Global Forest Watch in their advocacy, research, and field work.
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With financial and technical support from GFW, organizations and individuals around the world are using Global Forest Watch to monitor large-scale land-use projects, enforce community land rights, defend critical habitat, and influence forest policy.

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AJESH will contribute to government action in conservation of the Yabassi and Nlonako Key Biodiversity Areas in Cameroon using GFW tools and drones.

2024 - Cameroon


Association of Samaaka Communities (VSG)

Association of Samaaka Communities (VSG)

The Association of Samaaka Communities (VSG) will set up a community-based monitoring system in the Samaaka territory to build the capacity of Samaaka people to participate in forest monitoring, such as raising awareness among local Samaaka youth about GFW tools and on conducting field verification patrols.

2024 - Suriname




Fundación para la Conservación de los Andes Tropicales (FCAT) aims to revolutionize deforestation monitoring in the Ecuadorian Chocó region by integrating AI-powered insights with GFW data, combined with intensive local capacity building.

2024 - Ecuador


Instituto Boliviano de Investigacion Forestal  (IBIF)

Instituto Boliviano de Investigacion Forestal (IBIF)

Instituto Boliviano de Investigacion Forestal (IBIF) will work with the Guarayo Indigenous Forestry Association to help improve their Territorial Monitoring Unit.

2024 - Bolivia


Instituto del Bien Comun (IBC)

Instituto del Bien Comun (IBC)

In Peru, Instituto del Bien Comun (IBC) will work with two Indigenous Federations, National Federation of Kakataibo Communities and Federation of Native Communities of Puerto Inca and Tributaries, to develop and implement a surveillance system of Indigenous territories in the Kakataibo and Pachitea landscapes using digital technology.

2024 - Peru


Knowledge for World Conservation (KWC)

Knowledge for World Conservation (KWC)

Knowledge for World Conservation (KWC) will work to improve capacity of forest and community guards in the Offinso Forest District of Ghana in a multi-stakeholder approach to reducing illegal forest activities and improving response to ongoing or new forest crimes.

2024 - Ghana


Medellin Botanical Garden

Medellin Botanical Garden

Medellin Botanical Garden will continue working to address deforestation in Colombia’s Antioquia region, leveraging new technologies to automate monitoring and communication.

2024 - Colombia


Water Journalists Africa – InfoNile

Water Journalists Africa – InfoNile

Water Journalists Africa - InfoNile will train and support journalists from the InfoNile/WJA network on GFW tools and data to report investigative stories on deforestation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and cross-border timber trafficking from DRC into transit and destination countries for illegal timber.

2024 - Democratic Republic of the Congo


Yayasan IAR Indonesia (YIARI)

Yayasan IAR Indonesia (YIARI)

Yayasan IAR Indonesia (YIARI) will work to enhance forest protection in Lampung, Sumatra, and West Kalimantan, Borneo, by developing a near real-time Integrated Forest Crime Alert System (IFCAS).

2024 - Indonesia


Yayasan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan Indonesia  (YPIKI-IFMF)

Yayasan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan Indonesia (YPIKI-IFMF)

YPIKI-IFMF will work to build the capacity of Forest Monitoring Unit and civil society-led Independent Monitors to strengthen the Timber Legality Assurance System.

2024 - Indonesia


EcoLogic Development Fund

EcoLogic Development Fund

EcoLogic Development Fund will work in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras to train and improve the participation of community monitoring brigades to better respond to direct threats to 128,002 hectares of forest.

2023 - Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico


Forest Watch Indonesia

Forest Watch Indonesia

Forest Watch Indonesia aims to keep at least 70% of the Aru Islands covered by primary forests, which serves as a vital source of life for the Indigenous Aru People of the area. This project will build the capacity of the local community to use the alerts and data of GFW to eradicate illegal logging in the area.

2023 - Indonesia


Forests of the World

Forests of the World

Asociacion Bosques del Mundo, also known as Forests of the World (FoW), will work in two illegal deforestation hotspots in the Pico Bonito National Park in Honduras to strengthen forest monitoring and enforcement with the goal of reducing the number of GFW deforestation alerts in the hotspots by 10%.

2023 - Honduras




HAkA will build on their training activities over the past 6 years to focus on the intensive application of GFW by 3 Forest Management Units (KPH) and 1 National Park Management Unit (BPTN), by encouraging more frequent join patrols and countermeasures by law enforcement against widespread forest destruction.

2023 - Indonesia


Hen Mpoano

Hen Mpoano

This project will build on Hen Mpoano's ongoing GFW project which has successfully built the forest monitoring capacity of communities and forest managers to reduce deforestation in the Takoradi Forest District in Ghana through enhanced community-based monitoring.

2023 - Ghana


Medellin Botanical Garden

Medellin Botanical Garden

This project will work to raise public awareness and strengthen the capacity of local organizations and journalists to use deforestation alert systems to monitor, verify and respond to threats to forests in Antioquia, Colombia.

2023 - Colombia


Observatoire de la gouvernance Forestière en RDC (OGF)

Observatoire de la gouvernance Forestière en RDC (OGF)

OGF will work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to disrupt the flow of illegal timber by building the capacities of key actors in forest monitoring such as the agents of the administration in charge of forest controls along with civil society actors.

2023 - Democratic Republic of the Congo


Rainforest Foundation US

Rainforest Foundation US

This community-led rainforest monitoring program connects Indigenous Peoples with remote sensing technologies to map, monitor, and secure their territories against illegal deforestation by combining satellite imagery with investigations on foot.

2023 - Peru


The Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK)

The Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK)

JPIK’s project will work to increase the monitoring capacity of JPIK members, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, as well as forest rangers by using the GFW platform to detect illegal logging and deforestation.

2023 - Indonesia


Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL)

Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL)

This project will work to leverage effective monitoring for sustainable forest management through targeted patrols of deforestation hotspots in order to investigate, report, and ultimately reduce the number of deforestation events that are threatening critically endangered habitats.

2023 - Indonesia


Forest Trends

Forest Trends

Forest Trends with work with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) managers in Myanmar to monitor, document and mitigate forest pressure.

2014 - Myanmar