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Planet satellite imagery of primary forest removal in Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia on GFW map
Jul 23, 2024|Data & Tools|6 minutes

Looking for the Quickest Signal of Deforestation? Turn to GFW’s Integrated Alerts

GFW’s integrated deforestation alerts layer combines the analytical power of GLAD, GLAD-S2 and RADD deforestation alerts to provide a faster, more confident view of forest disturbances than any one individual system.

Net forest greenhouse gas flux 2001-2022
Apr 26, 2024|Data & Tools|11 minutes

What’s New With GFW’s Forest Carbon Monitoring

Carbon monitoring data on GFW provides information on where forests are gaining or losing carbon. We updated the model in 2023 and 2024.

Aerial footage of palm oil and the forest in Sentabai Village, West Kalimantan, 2017.
Apr 4, 2024|Data & Tools

Global Forest Watch’s 2023 Tree Cover Loss Data Explained

New data shows persistent primary forest loss in 2023. What does the data measure and how does it compare to other official estimates of deforestation?

Ripe Cocoa pods from a cocoa farm in Ghana.
Feb 14, 2024|Data & Tools

Ending Deforestation from Cocoa in West Africa with New Data-Driven Resources

Two new data-driven resources provide a shared view of priority areas in West Africa and can help realize a a deforestation-free cocoa sector.

Aerial view of the Amazon Rainforest
Jan 18, 2024|Data & Tools|8 minutes

Comparing Forest Extent in 2020 from Global Forest Watch and the Forest Resources Assessment

This blog compares the forest extent in 2020 for data from UMD on GFW and the FAO Forest Resources Assessment and explains the differences.

Side by side comparison of UMD tree cover loss and JRC Tropical Moist Forest data
Jan 8, 2024|Data & Tools|10 minutes

Differences Between Global Forest Watch’s Tree Cover Loss Data and JRC’s Tropical Moist Forest Data Explained

We explain key differences between two data sets that track forest change in the tropics: UMD tree cover loss and JRC Tropical Moist Forest.