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2023 Tech Camp organized by RFUS – workshop in Iquitos, Peru. Credit RFUS
Jun 10, 2024|Users In Action|8 minutes

Indigenous Communities in the Peruvian Amazon Protect their Forest Heritage with MapBuilder 

Indigenous leaders in Peru are using MapBuilder to manage deforestation data in their territories and defend their ancestral forests.

overview of a river in Pantanal, Brazil
Apr 4, 2024|Forest Insights

Tropical Forest Loss Drops Steeply in Brazil and Colombia, but High Rates Persist Overall

Despite progress in some countries, the rate of tropical primary forest loss in 2023 remained persistent, according to new data from UMD on GFW.

AMPA volunteer using Forest Watcher
Nov 28, 2023|Users In Action|8 minutes

Forest Guardians in Action: Amazónicos por la Amazonía Tackles Environmental Crimes with GFW

GFW Small Grants Fund recipient AMPA is working with communities and authorities to to verify and raise awareness of environmental crimes.

Suriname forests
Nov 20, 2023|Users In Action

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Are Using Satellite Data to Fight Deforestation

Communities are increasingly using tools like GFW to gather evidence of deforestation and degradation on their lands and take legal action.  

An aerial shot shows the contrast between forest and agricultural landscapes near Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.
Jun 27, 2023|Forest Insights|13 minutes

Tropical Primary Forest Loss Worsened in 2022, Despite International Commitments to End Deforestation

Tropical primary forest loss was 10% higher in 2022 than in 2021 despite international commitments, according to new data on GFW.

Jan 6, 2023|Forest Insights

Indigenous Forests Are Some of the Amazon’s Last Carbon Sinks

New research shows that forests managed by Indigenous people in the Amazon are net carbon sinks, while forests outside Indigenous lands are a carbon source.