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Canada Wildfire July 12 2023
Jun 27, 2024|Forest Insights

Canada’s Record-breaking 2023 Wildfires Released Nearly 4 Times More Carbon than Global Aviation

Canada’s 2023 wildfires burned 7.8 Mha of forests, emitting 3 billion tons of carbon, 25% more than from all tropical primary forest loss combined in 2023.

Net forest greenhouse gas flux 2001-2022
Apr 26, 2024|Data & Tools|11 minutes

What’s New With GFW’s Forest Carbon Monitoring

Carbon monitoring data on GFW provides information on where forests are gaining or losing carbon. We updated the model in 2023 and 2024.

Jan 6, 2023|Forest Insights

Indigenous Forests Are Some of the Amazon’s Last Carbon Sinks

New research shows that forests managed by Indigenous people in the Amazon are net carbon sinks, while forests outside Indigenous lands are a carbon source.

tree seedlings growing sequester carbon
Jan 29, 2021|Data & Tools|5 minutes

New Global Maps Estimate Forest Carbon Fluxes in Unprecedented Detail

What you need to know about how GFW’s carbon flux data was created and how it differs from the other estimates out there.

Jan 21, 2021|Forest Insights|6 minutes

Forests Absorb Twice as Much Carbon as They Emit Each Year

New data maps global carbon flux in forests, letting us quantify CO2 emissions and sequestration in local forests or countries to continents.

naturally regenerating forest
Sep 23, 2020|Forest Insights|4 minutes

Young Forests Capture Carbon Quicker than Previously Thought

New research shows natural forest regrowth, as opposed to reforestation by tree planting, can capture more carbon dioxide from the air than previously thought.