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Western lowland gorilla
Aug 5, 2024|Users In Action

Data is Helping Protect Threatened Forests and Biodiversity in Cameroon’s Mengamé Gorilla Sanctuary

Action for Sustainable Development is using GFW tools to respond to increasing deforestation in Cameroon’s Mengamé Gorilla Sanctuary.

Planet satellite imagery of primary forest removal in Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia on GFW map
Jul 23, 2024|Data & Tools|6 minutes

Looking for the Quickest Signal of Deforestation? Turn to GFW’s Integrated Alerts

GFW’s integrated deforestation alerts layer combines the analytical power of GLAD, GLAD-S2 and RADD deforestation alerts to provide a faster, more confident view of forest disturbances than any one individual system.

May 14, 2024|Forest Insights

The Forest Monitoring Story Behind a Cup of Gayo Coffee

To meet the global demand for Arabica coffee, effective monitoring systems are essential to both protect forests and ensure we can continue to enjoy Gayo coffee.

AMPA volunteer using Forest Watcher
Nov 28, 2023|Users In Action|8 minutes

Forest Guardians in Action: Amazónicos por la Amazonía Tackles Environmental Crimes with GFW

GFW Small Grants Fund recipient AMPA is working with communities and authorities to to verify and raise awareness of environmental crimes.

African savannah elephants in the Maasai Mara
Sep 20, 2023|Users In Action|5 minutes

Protecting Critical Forest Habitats in the Maasai Mara with Mara Elephant Project

Maasai Mara forests in Kenya are vital for communities and wildlife. Mara Elephant Project helps protect these forests with data from GFW.

Indigenous community in Peru tests out the Forest Watcher Mobile App
Mar 29, 2023|Data & Tools|6 minutes

Forest Watcher Updates Improve Managing Teams and Reporting on Data From the Field

Forest Watcher app is designed to serve forest monitors at work in the field. New updates to the app make that easier than ever.